Tuesday 20 October 2015

Want a new economy?

Tired of the old economic system? Of something that rewards abuse of natural resources and disrespect for future generations? What about an economic system that helped people and planet, instead of harming them?

There is one. I developed it.

On November 3 I will be presenting an easy to understand introduction to this system - called Fluidity - at an online event.


Fluidity is modelled after nature's ecosystems. Because why not?

We find the most elegant, comprehensive, responsive and benevolent solutions in nature.

Why think we can do any better?

By applying principles of natural ecosystems to economies, I have found a way to transform human economical systems - effectively - into natural ecosystems.

Ecosystems don't destroy other ecosystems. Natural ecosystems are based on collaboration and interactions that provide more wealth and opportunities to everyone involved.

What could be better than that?

The Iriquois Confederacy believed - wisely - in considering the effects of their actions on the next seven generations. If we get this right, our economic system could be used for an infinite number of generations.

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